About Us

Hello fellow music fans.

DPMRecords.com is your source for newly recorded versions of classic songs in all styles of music. The DPM collection contains hundreds of your favorite songs for all seasons, holidays, events, occasions, and special moments. The praise from our thousands of fans who have downloaded our songs/albums constantly comes in and DPM has received many accolades from clients who have used our recordings of popular songs in movies, television shows, commercials, and more.

Listen to a sample of any song in our collection before deciding which songs to download for your specific needs and also take advantage of the full albums of songs we?ve grouped togther for all occassions and activities.

Entertainment industry execs can hear music samples for potential placement and contact us directly to discuss licensing any of our recordings (including some of those hard to clear songs).

DPM's recordings have been downloaded over one hundred thousand times and licensed for dozens of television and film projects. DPM strives to be your home for all of your music needs and our collection of top-quality recordings will enhance whatever activity or event you are planning.

Thanks for visiting DPMRecords.com. We appreciate you stopping by.

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